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It is hard to exercise meaningful financial control when you don’t fully understand the details because key information isn't available. MRO activities can present a serious challenge because activities are complex and the consequences of making wrong decisions can be severe. Yet focussing on your MRO activities can have a big impact on your organisation's bottom line and can improve your return on investment for capital employed.

By bringing together and relating your data in a consistent way, MRO Analytics business intelligence tools deliver a penetrating view of your business-wide MRO activities, including your spend on engineering materials. Intelligently used your business will benefit by allowing you to

  • Understand what the likely effects of MRO expenditure on your operations through life
  • Track Process Value at Risk (PVaR) as a corporate key performance indicator
  • Allocate funds where they deliver best value
  • Benchmark MRO costs and benefits between sites
  • Release working capital tied up
  • Lower overall finance costs