This is a tough competitive business area to work in with demanding industrial clients - they need to be as the consequences of getting things wrong are highly significant. Currently operating in this broad field are some capable software businesses with partial offerings such as Oniqua, IHS Intermat and Bentley Ivara.
At MRO@nalytics we fully understand that whilst technological innovation is essential, there is still no substitute for full domain experience. Our past business successes include.
- Founding Information Science Consultants Ltd (now IFS Defence) - providing RCM software products to industry and maintenance management systems for the defence sector.
- Founding sparesFinder - the first of class internet based MRO service provider.
Building on this solid platform of industry experience (stretching back over 25 years) we are able to leverage newly emerging technology to now lead the way in developing the next generation of MRO analytic solutions for our clients alongside delivering insightful MRO information technology advisory services. Better products and services for lower cost.
MRO@nalytics - Thoughtware driving Software.
MRO@nalytics is a Registered Trademark
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N1 7GU
+44(0)117 370 0623